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from a dream to reality...


S O F I A ® 髮型產品系列為ODE 貿易公司旗下新研製的品牌系列.,本公司致力運用尖端技術和全新慨念,研發創新產品, 致力為每位使用者擁有健康而光彩的秀髮。自S O F I A ®品牌诞生之日起, 為秉誠品牌宗旨, 本公司一直極積研究, 經過專業團隊一次次革命與進进步, ODE新研製系列S O F I A ® 全新升級, 所有產品經過嚴格測試, 品質保證。


S O F I A ®  is one of the hair product line that  ODE International Trading Company has newly developed. Our company used a high technology and a generous concept to develop products. We hope every user will have a healthy and luster set of hair. From the start of S O F I A ® brand , for the good faith purpose of the brand, the company has done product research and tested many processes with a professional team and lab. ODE has developed a series of S O F I A ® products, all products has undergo strict testing, and quality assurance. 


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